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vector analysis sentence in Hindi

"vector analysis" meaning in Hindivector analysis in a sentence
  • In 1936, his first book " Vector Analysis " was published.
  • Vector analysis related the fluid flow with turbine shape and rotation.
  • He had made advances in the areas of vector analysis.
  • Could someone show me the mathematics, perhaps using vector analysis, to prove my hypothesis?
  • The definition can be expressed by the vector analysis formula:
  • Velocities are directly additive as vector quantities; they must be dealt with using vector analysis.
  • Expecting answers from the learned community . As an example consider Schaum series Vector Analysis.
  • And we learned lessons that went beyond applied geometry and vector analysis to human nature.
  • Vector analysis had a certain intuitive appeal compared to the rigors of the new algebras.
  • I've found explanations of the hyperbolic functions, but not how they are used for vector analysis.
  • He also wrote a textbook on vector analysis.
  • At the beginning of the twentieth century, Josiah Willard Gibbs derived the same vector by vector analysis.
  • However, I also do not feel like trying to validate all of the vector analysis at this time.
  • Genese introduced into the United Kingdom the ideas of Hermann Grassmann ( advancing the use of vector analysis ).
  • The vector formula for the magnitude and direction of the Coriolis acceleration is derived through vector analysis and is
  • Crowe's chapter seven is a survey of " Twelve major publications in Vector Analysis from 1894 to 1910 ".
  • If you're playing with your dog, " you want a dog that has a pretty advanced ability in vector analysis,"
  • He wrote at least eight books, one of which, Vector Analysis, ( McGraw Hill, NY, 1955 ) remains in print today.
  • Vector analysis described the same phenomena as quaternions, so it borrowed some ideas and terminology liberally from the literature of quaternions.
  • However, vector analysis was conceptually simpler and notationally cleaner, and eventually quaternions were relegated to a minor role in mathematics and physics.
  • More Sentences:   1  2  3

vector analysis sentences in Hindi. What are the example sentences for vector analysis? vector analysis English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.